Just like adults—children require healthy vitamin D levels to thrive. Vitamin D is best known for assisting the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus for building bone.* We know this because how often were we told to drink our milk for big, strong bones? Of course, there’s calcium delivered in that approach, too. But what’s lesser known, and at least as important, is that vitamin D plays a key role in immunity.* And a healthy immune system is everything as our kids grow up and take on the world. Add all these factors together, and it’s no surprise that research declares the vitamin D gap from our diet (including kids) to be massive, with 93% of Americans over the age of 23 failing to consume 400 I.U. of vitamin D per day. Furthermore, a significant increase in pediatric vitamin D deficiency has been documented. Think of your immune system as an army, with a first line and second line of defense, working together to defend the body against unwelcome “invaders.” The first line of defense is our innate immunity4, like skin and nails (plus, saliva, mucus membranes, etc.), which act quickly and aim to keep us as insulated and healthy as possible. The second line is our adaptive immunity5, where functions like specialized immune cells take action and antibodies come into play for our “immune memory” next time around.  According to research6, vitamin D helps the innate and adaptive immune systems do their best work, which by the way, is happening every day.* Or, going with our metaphor: Vitamin D gives the radio communication to help all soldiers line up for battle; it acts like a switch to make sure the right defenses are turned on to protect the body.* Needless to say, our kids deserve only the best immune infantry. We all know that sending our kids outside is good for everyone involved. And while the fresh air works its own wonders, that daily gummy will be hard at work raising their vitamin D levels*†… Whether the sun is out or not. As parents, we have so much to keep track of. But vitamin D levels and immunity? Now you know, that can be easy.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. † Clinical studies7 have shown that ampli-D™ can achieve optimal vitamin D status (30ng/mL) on average 3X faster, and is 3X more effective, compared to the same mcg amount of conventional vitamin D3. Source: Quesada-Gomez and Bouillon. Osteoporos Int. 2018;29:1697–1711. Devon’s first book, Earth Women, is coming soon. To learn more, join the mailing list, and receive updates, head to www.devonbarrowwriting.com.

Your Kids Need Vitamin D  Not Just From The Sun  Here s Why - 36Your Kids Need Vitamin D  Not Just From The Sun  Here s Why - 89Your Kids Need Vitamin D  Not Just From The Sun  Here s Why - 91Your Kids Need Vitamin D  Not Just From The Sun  Here s Why - 27Your Kids Need Vitamin D  Not Just From The Sun  Here s Why - 70Your Kids Need Vitamin D  Not Just From The Sun  Here s Why - 16