The fact that I wasn’t alone only further normalized my exhaustion. One survey by YouGov reveals that 45% of Americans who get their seven or eight hours of sleep at night still report fatigue up to three times a week. So I know I wasn’t the only one dragging myself between obligations, surfing the highs and lows of caffeination. Despite being a sound sleeper, a meditator, and a healthy eater—my fatigue was pretty invincible. If the supplement worked, I had imagined myself bursting with energy. But after a few weeks, I just felt balanced. I experienced a gentle relief, thinking, this is the way I’m supposed to feel.* Like the satisfaction of putting the last puzzle piece in its place, I felt complete on a deeply nutritional level.* The fatigue that’s left is now mostly related to a direct cause, like too much caffeine or not enough sleep… Which is great because that’s entirely in my hands. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Devon’s first book, Earth Women, is coming soon. To learn more, join the mailing list, and receive updates, head to

This Iron Supplement Helped My Fatigue When Nothing Else Did - 79This Iron Supplement Helped My Fatigue When Nothing Else Did - 33This Iron Supplement Helped My Fatigue When Nothing Else Did - 4This Iron Supplement Helped My Fatigue When Nothing Else Did - 62This Iron Supplement Helped My Fatigue When Nothing Else Did - 96This Iron Supplement Helped My Fatigue When Nothing Else Did - 67This Iron Supplement Helped My Fatigue When Nothing Else Did - 20