Compared to modern grains, like rice and pasta, ancient grains tend to have greater health benefits1. This is likely because they still contain their nutrient-rich kernel, functional medicine doctor and registered dietitian Elizabeth Boham, M.D., M.S., R.D., explains. “The kernel contains the bran, endosperm, and germ,” she says. “These germ and bran are rich in the fiber, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals.” “The fiber in whole grains also works to slow down the absorption of your food and as a result decreases your blood sugar and insulin spike after a meal,” Boham says. “These grains have a lower glycemic load when eaten in their whole form.” In fact, incorporating ancient grains3 into a modern diet may reduce the risk of overall chronic illness, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. High in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein, these 11 ancient grains are a healthy way to consume carbohydrates: Teff works well in porridges, rice pilafs, and gluten-free baked goods, like these sweet teff pancakes. “It is rich in fiber, protein, and minerals,” Boham says. In fact, it has more fiber than brown rice and quinoa. “This fiber helps us feel full and satiated,” Boham adds. Thomas particularly likes Bob’s Red Mill cracked freekeh, which has about 7 grams of protein per serving. “Batch cook it and add to soups and salads for the addition of fiber and magnesium,” she says.  According to Boham, millet has 6 grams of protein per serving and is rich in copper, folate, magnesium, and B-complex vitamins, including vitamin B1 (thiamin) and vitamin B3 (niacin). Millet is slightly sweet in flavor, Thomas says, and it works well in salads or mixed into a whole grain medley with sauteed vegetables.  “It’s not only nutrient-dense but also high in compounds called flavonoids,” Davis explains, “which have been shown to reduce inflammation.”  Buckwheat is a versatile grain and works well in breakfast bowls, like this buckwheat clementine and chia bowl or this veggie buckwheat bowl.  If you’re craving comfort food, make this cheesy broccoli quinoa. For something lighter, try this cauliflower and pea salad.  “You can actually pop it like popcorn,” Thomas says, “or cook it and add to salads and mixed dishes (think grilled summer veggies with a dressing).”    Since it’s low in FODMAPs, amaranth is easy to digest. It can be ground into a gluten-free flour and used in baked goods. While it’s not gluten-free, for people who can tolerate it, rye bread may have positive benefits on the gut microbiome and may help lower insulin levels. This is due to the high levels of lactic acid bacteria in rye bread. This cracked wheat is a staple in the Mediterranean diet and works well in foods like tabbouleh and Turkish grain pudding, called asure. Spelt flour can be used in place of wheat flour in most recipes, she tells us. If you sprout the grain, it may be easier to digest and can be used to make these honey-crusted spelt bagels. One small study shows that kamut may have health benefits6 spanning from metabolic, lipid, antioxidant, and inflammatory impacts. Kamut is a large grain and can make a filling, nutrient-dense addition to salads, or a hearty base for a grain bowl.

The Health Benefits Of 11 Ancient Grains   How To Eat Them - 74The Health Benefits Of 11 Ancient Grains   How To Eat Them - 85The Health Benefits Of 11 Ancient Grains   How To Eat Them - 18