The endocrine system, which is made up of a collection of hormone-producing glands, is essential to practically every function in the body. These functions range from energy levels to growth and development, as well as metabolism and sexual function. When you are struggling with a hormonal imbalance, you could suffer from a wide variety of symptoms—including headaches, skin problems, insomnia, fatigue, weight gain, and mood problems. It’s easy to see why keeping the endocrine system working at an optimal rate is essential to ongoing good health! To get into this pose, start by sitting on your heels in Hero Pose. Extend your arms back and hold onto the soles of your feet. Tuck your chin inward toward your chest as you round your body forward, hinging your body at your hips. At this point, your head should drop toward the floor as your forehead touches your knees. Lift your hips upward slightly as the crown of your head rests on the floor, and rest comfortably for 5 deep breaths. You can then slowly return to Hero Pose. Repeat 3 times. Begin by lying flat on your stomach with your legs together and your palms flat on the floor beside your shoulders. Your head will start resting flat on the floor, and you can then lift your head and chest upward. Hold this pose for up to a minute, inhaling and exhaling deeply, before lowering yourself back down toward the ground. Repeat this pose a few times to really enjoy its benefits. To get into Camel Pose, start by kneeling on the floor, and keep your knees hip-width apart. Move your thighs slightly toward each other, and bring your hip bones up slightly toward the torso. At this time, your shins and your toes should remain firmly on the floor. Bring your hands to rest on the back of your pelvis with the palms of your hands touching your body. Use your hands to push your tailbone down gently as you push your thighs backward to counteract your body from moving forward. You should then breathe in deeply as your shoulder blades move toward your ribs. Lean backward slightly and relax your ribs before pulling the lower ribs up toward your chest and away from the pelvis. Bring your hands down to meet your heels, and move your arms outward. Hold this position for 30 seconds before you lift your torso up, bring your arms forward, and return to the original position. Try repeating this pose several times to really reap the benefits. Julie is the star of Bravo TV’s “Ladies of London” and the brains behind her new membership wellness site Married with four children, Julie’s workshops on self love, letting go and happiness have been sell out successes. Head to for more information.

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