Considering the far-reaching effects good-for-you omega-3 fatty acids have throughout the body, this isn’t exactly a surprise.* There are a few crucial factors to consider when hunting for an omega-3 supplement that not only offers the daily dose of EPA and DHA you need to best support your unique health goals but that does so with a quality formula and sustainability and transparency in mind. After all, these healthy fats are one of the most under-consumed nutrients in America. Use this guide to get clear on what a top-notch product really looks like, as well as which popular options get the mbg stamp of approval.  Each had to fulfill a number of important criteria addressing factors like sourcing, potency, and transparency.  Whether you want to better understand how we selected the supplements featured here or know what to consider when searching for another option on your own, mbg vice president of scientific affairs Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN, recommends prioritizing the following: Whenever possible, it’s important to choose a marine-based omega-3 supplement that features sustainably sourced, wild-caught, cold-water fish with a balanced amount of EPA-to-DHA fats. Algal oils are naturally skewed DHA-heavy (and are lacking on the EPA front), so that’s a trade-off to consider. When it comes to the form of those omega-3s, triglyceride is the most bioavailable1 per the science to date.* Ethyl ester products can also be worthwhile; just remember to take those supplements with a meal containing some fat for optimal absorption2.* We’re interested in the total milligram or gram amount of EPA plus DHA (again, the active ingredients) here instead of the total fish oil or omega-3 concentrate amount listed on labels, which can appear misleadingly high. Most of the supplements spotlighted here deliver at least 500 milligrams of EPA and DHA, which is the minimum evidence-based recommendation per the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics3 and other entities. It’s the rough EPA plus DHA equivalent of two servings of oily fish4 consumed a week. That said, many selections actually boast higher potencies, coming in at 1,000 milligrams and higher of combined EPA and DHA because the American Heart Association and collective science indicate greater cardioprotective and whole-body benefits at these 1 gram-plus levels.* (That’s the omega-3 equivalent of eating a fish a day, by the way). For fish oil, purity is of the utmost importance, so levels of heavy metals, dioxins, furans, and PCBs should be very low and competitive in the industry. Low oxidation parameters are also important, since—as with any oil (including the olive oil you cook with)—rancidity can be an issue if quality-control parameters aren’t top-notch. After all, fish oil isn’t actually supposed to be fishy. Brands that authenticate the fish species featured in their supplements (mindbodygreen’s omega-3 potency+ does this via a third-party ORIVO certification) really go the extra mile here. This rigorous level of evidence-based transparency is unique to the new school of supplements. We also value products that limit or avoid unnecessary or synthetic fillers, dyes, flavors, and sweeteners. In the case of mbg’s omega-3 potency+, you’ll find that organic lemon oil found its way into our ingredient list with intention. This infusion of citrus fruit allows you to enjoy all the benefits of fish oil minus the fishy aftertaste. We applaud other brands that also care about user experience since taste and fish burp are major deterrents reported by people who’ve unfortunately stopped taking their fish oil. More than 90% of Americans5 fail to hit this beginner’s benchmark. Indeed, the average American adult only consumes about 86 milligrams of EPA plus DHA daily6 (and only about 1 ounce total of omega-3-rich fish per week). A number of factors contribute to our lackluster fish consumption, from lack of access to fresh, quality seafood to concerns about sustainability to popular eating patterns such as veganism, suggesting that supplementing with those must-have omega-3s is likely a good idea for many of us. Need more convincing? Research shows that omega-3s, particularly the EPA and DHA found in marine and algal sources, contribute to everything from cardiovascular health and cognition7 to healthy vision8, perinatal support9, joint mobility10, and a well-balanced mood11.* And that’s not all, either; these healthy fats have also been linked to bone health12 as well as robust immunity13—that’s thanks to their widespread antioxidant14 and anti-inflammatory properties15.* (We highlight more benefits here if you’re curious.) Our team ensures that each supplement product is thoughtfully formulated from the active ingredients to those “Other ingredient” excipients, too. We are highly preferential towards clean formulas that are plant-centric (and oftentimes vegan or vegetarian) as well as free of GMOs, gluten, soy, dairy, major food allergens, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, synthetic dyes, and more. We include targeted supplement formulas with ingredients that are rooted in science, not only for their efficacy in supporting key areas of health, but for their effective dose (no sprinkling or fairy dusting) and bioavailability (absorption) too. Overall, we recommend products with clean ingredients at efficacious doses in bioactive forms. Whenever possible, we celebrate and elevate plant-origin (i.e., plant-sourced) ingredients from a variety of botanicals. Where relevant, we provide organic and vegan options for ingredients, as well as certified organic products. Environmentally friendly, sustainable packaging is strongly preferred but not the case across the board. Ingredient source and innovation are top of mind for our critical reviews and selection of supplement products. We prioritize forward-thinking formulations and delivery formats that are genuinely helpful in transforming your health. We value supplements with responsible claims that are backed by robust and the totality of evidence-based science–including mechanistic research and clinical studies–to demonstrate biological utility and safety for your nutrition and health. We include supplement brands and products that prioritize quality. This includes robust manufaturing practices and comprehensive purity and potency testing. This helps ensure that impurities are absent or kept to a minimum (trace levels intrinsic to the environment, for example) and that active ingredients are included at the doses they state on the label. We value third-party testing and key certifications for the independent and incremental rigor they provide in confirming the quality of each product. You can learn more about mindbodygreen supplements+ manufacturing and quality testing practices here. Don’t sweat it; you’re far from the only one. If you’re not willing and able to up your intake of fatty fish, though, a high-quality omega-3 supplement is a simple addition to your daily routine that helps everything from your brain to your cardiovascular system to your bones get enough of these crucial fatty acids to function at their best.* While this list captures our favorite options on the market, you can also use the criteria listed here to hunt for your own ideal omega-3 product. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to your health care practitioner if you’re considering adding a new supplement to your regimen, especially if you take certain medications or have specific health goals in mind. 

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