As mbg’s resident astrologists the AstroTwins explain, Saturn rules topics like maturity, hard work, accountability, and ultimately adulthood. “Your Saturn return, which will happen two or three times in your life, is a period of getting really serious about who you are, what your legacy is, and what you’re here to leave for the world,” they explain. Needless to say, Saturn returns also present us with challenges and weightier responsibilities. The first Saturn return, occurring around 29 years of age, can feel particularly heavy and difficult. With that being said, it’s also an opportunity to grow into the next phase of adulthood and take on more responsibility. The first Saturn return occurs when you’re around 29, then again in your mid- to late 50s and, if you live long enough, again in your late 80s. Curious when exactly your next Saturn return starts or ends? The twins have a calculator for that. As the twins put it, Saturn returns are a gift in the long run, “but they do kick your ass a little bit along the way.” People with Saturn in a fire sign are “very independent and action-oriented,” according to the twins, “but they can cut corners or be selfish and rash.” So, Saturn teaches you how to consider others in your decisions—and not be so independent that you’re actually creating chaos in your life, they add. “These people can be very sheltered, not take risks, or do things by the book,” the twins say, adding that they’re your quintessential “good boys and girls.” But their Saturn return will allow them to learn to find their own inner authority, as well as step into leadership roles. Theirs may push them to “focus, and come up with more of a plan before they act—and think before they act,” the twins say, adding, “It provides wisdom.” People with their Saturn in a water sign will “learn how to get some emotional maturity and control, not just reacting or getting stuck in fear all the time,” the twins say. “They learn how to get emotional discipline and rigor.”

Saturn Return  What It Is  Calculating   How To Navigate It - 15Saturn Return  What It Is  Calculating   How To Navigate It - 57Saturn Return  What It Is  Calculating   How To Navigate It - 95Saturn Return  What It Is  Calculating   How To Navigate It - 91Saturn Return  What It Is  Calculating   How To Navigate It - 95Saturn Return  What It Is  Calculating   How To Navigate It - 6Saturn Return  What It Is  Calculating   How To Navigate It - 81Saturn Return  What It Is  Calculating   How To Navigate It - 1