That being said, if someone has access to the best doctors and mental health experts in the game, it would be a mistake not to at least consider their tried-and-true habits. Our co-founder and CEO, Jason Wachob, has chatted with countless neuroscientists, psychologists, and psychiatrists on the mindbodygreen podcast about the best stress-reducing tips. As a result, he has picked up quite the restorative routine over the years.  This timed-breath routine where the exhales are longer than the inhales can help immediately soothe the nervous system—here’s a full tutorial, if you’d like to follow along.  Wachob’s general exercise philosophy? “Always try to be moving,” he says. He does try to schedule some resistance training a couple of times a week for 25 to 30 minutes, and he loves practicing yoga on the weekends—but it can be difficult for him to pencil in frequent trips to the gym. So, in addition to quick at-home workouts, he emphasizes the importance of walking. “I walk all the time,” he notes. “I have a rule: If I [have] less than five flights, I’ll take the stairs. I try to take 11,000 to 12,000 steps a day.”  “That’s one of the reasons we love the warm weather. We love being near the water. We love nature,” Wachob adds. If you don’t have access to forests or seawater, don’t fret: Indoor nature spaces can have beneficial health impacts5, too.  That said, he loves anything that can help turn the volume down on stress, if not eliminate it entirely. Specifically, certain botanicals like hemp oil, ashwagandha, and lavender oil have been clinically shown to improve stress resilience, elicit relaxation, and balance mood. You can find a list of high-quality supplements featuring these ingredients here, some of which happen to be Wachob’s all-time favorites.  RELATED: Want To Stress Less? These 14 Science-Backed Supplements Can Help*

Our CEO s 5 Step Stress Busting Routine  Backed By Experts - 91Our CEO s 5 Step Stress Busting Routine  Backed By Experts - 45Our CEO s 5 Step Stress Busting Routine  Backed By Experts - 65Our CEO s 5 Step Stress Busting Routine  Backed By Experts - 60