According to the AstroTwins, this midseason placement makes these signs the “workhorses” of the zodiac that help get us through this season, whereas the cardinal signs get the ball rolling at the start of a season, and mutable signs are akin to the “editors” at the end. You can think of these four signs as the project managers, the twins say. They want to keep things organized, keep the momentum going, and take over an idea or project once a cardinal sign has passed it off to them, so to speak. Think of them as being “fixed” in place, they add. They’re also known for being quite tenacious, with an ability to buckle down on anything with determination. These folks like structure, routine, and stability, thanks to their fixed nature, and because they’re ruled by Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, they’re also all about the luxuries of life, from food to clothing to a cozy home environment. Leos are famous for being the stars of the show, craving adventure and space to roam. However, they add, “When they get back home, they can really settle in—they like to be with their families. So they’re traditional but active and adventurous at the same time.” On top of that, Leo’s are represented by the lion, which gives them courage and strength to tackle anything and everything. And as a fire sign, they tend to have a dynamic and charismatic personality that lends itself to their fixed nature. Their personality shines through in whatever it is they’re working on. This can show up in the form of jealousy or overwhelming emotions, the twins add. However, these folks are also known for being determined, courageous, and loyal (not unlike Leo!), as well as ambitious. Again, these traits tie back to their midseason position, as they are always willing to help see a task through. They’re both nomadic and rooted, they add, noting that campervans are an apt symbol of Aquarian energy. “They almost want to establish a sense of residency wherever they are.” Aquarians also like to run the show in the sense that they have no problem being in charge and often make excellent leaders. They’re independent and have a visionary quality to them, as the second to last sign in the astrological year, offering plenty of wisdom, too. Nevertheless, if they have the same values and desires, fixed signs can make a great team, as they’re all willing to work hard to reach the finish line. “They’re going to be the ones to roll up their sleeves, make the reservation, make the plan, help you unload a truck—things like that,” the twins add. “They need to have some areas where they’re willing to compromise and be flexible,” the twins say, adding that sometimes they need to drop the “my way or the highway” attitude. They note that fixed signs will often try to get their way with force, by refusing to move, “and as we know, that just does not work,” the twins say. Defining their values can also be really helpful for fixed signs. These hard workers need to have a good grasp on their deal-breakers and not violate them, the twins say, so they can make sure their hearts are actually in whatever it is they’re doing.

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