I did the yo-yo diet thing for awhile, I would take a diet pill and lose 20 lbs in a month but it always came back, plus some. Then I jumped on the low-carb band wagon and again I lost 40 lbs but it came back and just for good measures a few pounds more. I tried every quick fix available in a bottle but nothing worked and I quickly found myself crying into a tub of ice cream trying to figure out what my next step would be. Natt Smith is an aspiring vegan lifestyle coach and keeps busy helping others create a healthy and glowing life through a plant based diet and movement. Overweight her entire life she switched to a vegan lifestyle and lost over 70 lbs.  Natt hopes to inspire others to listen to their bodies and understand how plants are the best fuel for overall wellness. She holds a BA in Communication from Oakland University and a Plant Based Nutrition certification from Cornell and the T. Colin Campbell Foundation.  

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