For what it’s worth, it’s not a condition listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5), and the term is often used as a way to belittle women’s struggles and needs. (And by the way, anyone can have a complicated relationship with their father, not just women.) Below, are a few signs you might have “daddy issues,” aka attachment issues. Importantly, this type of codependency may eventually suffocate your romantic relationships, leaving you a product of your own fears—abandonment! Thus, anyone with “daddy issues” should prioritize learning how to be emotionally independent. RELATED: 7 Signs You Have “Mommy Issues” & What To Do About It All the more reason to recognize signs of a codependent relationship early and learn to heal. Sometimes we use feeling attractive to others through sex as a proxy for feeling loved and adored, and this can be especially true for people who struggle with attachment issues. Of course, the reality is that sexual connection can exist apart from love, and conflating the two can put you at risk of getting hurt. RELATED: Fearful-Avoidant Attachment: 13 Signs & Relationship Patterns If you said yes to any of the above, that’s reason enough to assume you may have attachment issues that require healing. You can’t change your past, but you can change the way you view yourself, your future, and the new people you attract into your life.

6 Signs You Might Have Daddy Issues   What It Means - 816 Signs You Might Have Daddy Issues   What It Means - 286 Signs You Might Have Daddy Issues   What It Means - 516 Signs You Might Have Daddy Issues   What It Means - 25