And until recently, the most common treatment has been hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, which prescribes the use of hormones. Unfortunately, many experts now suggest that HRT may pose serious health problems, including an increased risk for breast cancer and heart disease. Why? In TCM, the energy of the kidneys controls growth, fertility and tissue regeneration. This energy decreases with age, leading to kidney Yin deficiency and symptoms such as hot flashes, dryness and night sweats. Acupuncture is thought to balance energy, nourish Yin, and regulate hormones. An example of a classic herbal formula often used is “Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan." According to TCM, this formula of herbs clears empty heat, cools the blood and nourishes Yin deficiency. To explore herbal formulas, look for an acupuncturist who is licensed in herbology and TCM. So why do I also recommend it to help with weight loss during menopause? In TCM, it’s also believed that warm water boosts the energetic function of the spleen and stomach. In TCM, the reason this works is because it creates balance. A healthy breakfast full of protein provides the nutrients the brain need to feel satisfied and the body needs to function

5 Natural Ways To Fight Symptoms Of Menopause  According To TCM - 75 Natural Ways To Fight Symptoms Of Menopause  According To TCM - 175 Natural Ways To Fight Symptoms Of Menopause  According To TCM - 10