“Our morning actions can set an intention for the whole day,” Alexandra Fine, co-founder of Dame Products and licensed sexologist, explains. “You will be choosing to love, to desire each other, to fulfill your bodily needs first thing in the morning.” As if that weren’t enough, studies have shown that increased levels of oxytocin are correlated with higher levels of life satisfaction and lower levels of depression. Another chemical benefit of morning sex? Endorphins, hormones that trigger positive feelings and actually reduce your perception of pain. “It’s not uncommon for sex, pleasure, and orgasm to lead to reduced tension and stress…as your body and mind reset after orgasm,” says sexologist Jess O’Reilly, Ph.D. And science backs these claims—research from Harvard Medical School has shown that sex burns about 5 calories per minute. (Even kissing burns calories, FYI.) According to a 2013 study1, your libido is absolutely affected by your sex hormone levels, and the higher they are, the more in the mood you are. As O’Reilly points out, your energy levels are also generally higher, too, which puts you in the perfect zone to get it on. Of course, making the shift from evening sex to morning sex might take a little time, but after a few good sessions, it will likely be easier to maintain. And for men, a 2007 study2 revealed that the increased testosterone present in the morning can lead to a stronger and longer-lasting erection. In addition to the circulation and DHEA benefits O’Reilly points out, other experts have called sex in general (not just in the morning) the key to looking younger, thanks to its role in releasing oxytocin, beta-endorphins, and other anti-inflammatory molecules. “Most of us aren’t spontaneously in the mood—we have to get ourselves aroused and then the desire follows,” she says. “You may find that waking up to a two-minute body scan or taking a few minutes to fantasize will increase your odds of getting it on in the morning.”

14 Benefits Of Morning Sex   Ways To Do It More Often - 7314 Benefits Of Morning Sex   Ways To Do It More Often - 1514 Benefits Of Morning Sex   Ways To Do It More Often - 6814 Benefits Of Morning Sex   Ways To Do It More Often - 20