“The houses are essentially what grounds astrology in earthly matters, as each one is associated with certain areas of life, such as career, home, and relationships,” they explain. Your chart begins with your first house (and your rising sign), which the twins note deals with beginnings and identity. As the houses advance, broader themes come into play, such as family, public image, career, and more. “As the planets make their journey around the sun (and through our zodiac), they appear to be moving through the houses. The first six houses are known as the ‘personal houses’ because they govern themes of daily life, community, and family, while the last six houses are considered ‘interpersonal houses’ since they rule experiences such as relationships, travel, career, and friendships,” the twins tell mbg. As astrology expert Imani Quinn tells mbg, the 12th house deals with the subconscious, the completion of cycles, and your shadow side. “It’s ruled by Pisces and Neptune, which are both centered around dreams and delusions,” Quinn explains. The twins note that this house builds upon the previous 11 houses, and thanks to its link to the subconscious and the imagination, it can reveal information about the afterlife and dream spaces. “As one of the more hidden arenas in the chart, the 12th house rules spaces that are hidden or separated from society such as institutions, hospitals, jails, and retreats. It’s also associated with the creative arts such as film, dance, and poetry,” they explain. People with prominent 12th-house placements will be very receptive to shadow work, transformation, and metamorphosis, Quinn explains, saying “You’re going to be a person who can go through multiple layers of transformation and rebirth, really open to change.” If you have your moon, Venus, or sun in the 12th house, in particular, you’re destined for a life of transformation and growth. Here’s a little bit more about each of these key placements: The 12th house’s ruling planet and sign (Neptune and Pisces, respectively) are also both very compassionate energies, she explains, so this moon placement makes one very receptive to others. “You’re really trying to understand how everybody is moving and why they’re moving that way. [You’re] focused on other people’s healing, as well as your own healing,” Quinn adds. “This is also going to be somebody who’s really in touch with their intuition, so they might also have an easier time making daily decisions from a place of their intuitive sense of self,” Quinn adds. “Somebody who has their Venus in the 12th house is going to deal with desire a little bit easier than the average person,” Quinn explains. Some people can experience desire based on external factors, she adds, but people with this placement will have no trouble looking within and facing the deep depths of another person.

12th House In Astrology  What It Is   What It Can Tell You - 5312th House In Astrology  What It Is   What It Can Tell You - 5512th House In Astrology  What It Is   What It Can Tell You - 2012th House In Astrology  What It Is   What It Can Tell You - 6112th House In Astrology  What It Is   What It Can Tell You - 4512th House In Astrology  What It Is   What It Can Tell You - 9812th House In Astrology  What It Is   What It Can Tell You - 19